Sunday, 24 January 2010

first entry

Weeeell have to start somewhere. This is about the dreams of running places. Dont know where this would flow or would take me. But i'll share the journey.

I like running. Been running as as far as i can remember. My fist shot at cometition running was at a land far far away in Sri Lanka. It was 10 kilomtrer run for the annual inter house school sports event. It took more than 6 hours. My faded memory says thre was bout 600 runners. It was one of the big days at school. Me and my up to no good buddies were the least prepared. Was at the back of the peloton.

Had a meal along the away at one of the busy restauents. Watched a movie at the cinemas. And nearly skipping half of the route thanks to a short cut, got back to school. But still had the race numbers on the t-shirt. Everyone who fininsh the race gives the team 1 point. That is gold to the team leaders. So even thought we rocked up after 6 hours we had the points. So everyone was happy.

That was that. Now on a average evening try to do more than 10 miles an hour. Misson is to go to the olymics. Knwo all the pros can do 13+ miles an hour. So this yet anohter mount everest that i have build to climb. Have to take one day at time. One mile at a time and with little little steps will hopefully get there.

So hopefully i will share the my journey as well. Weeeeelll there are books written about loneley stories of a long distance runner. So can be that boring or bad.....

have a nice day
