Saturday, 18 June 2011


Running and mood.

Without being too cynical get to the key word 'mood'. A ghost always has a 'mooooooooooood;-0 and it can be scary. In a proper persons' words a mood can be defined as a state of mind. What is that got to do with running. Weeeel my dear friends, it is sometimes very difficult to be on a hardcore exercising mode. It is so easy to say "I am not in my frigin mood....." It can be a continues struggle with one's self to come to a mood that is going to say. I think i can... I think i can and then just to it.

Just do it.....Easy as it sounds. To get out of the house and get on with the first steps is the hardest part. Then on it is going with the flow. Guess with anything, it is how you make out of this mood. Mood swings...... Swing the mood...

Now bringing me to the equation. Last Tuesday I donated blood. On top of that every day was on a old bike to and from work for 3 hours a day. Guess there is certain strain a body can take. Running was the last thing on my mind. Excuses galore. Only if the other bike is fixed by now than having to ride for 3 hours. Save the energy on the bike ride and transfer that to running. The natural healing works inside to replenish the donated blood. And then work demands... life demands...... all the other daily pressures... lack of time issues.....

What am I trying to get is- yesterday, i just couldn't get to the running mode.... one excuse after the other.... When i think about running, my face was becoming a face of a horse " Why the long face for". So to get a positive mode, I promised if you do a running session, i would treat myself for a loaf of fruit cake. You may say "What a fruitcake", but hey I am just me. Have to give carrots to a donkey..... So the promise of fruitcake changed the mode from an excuse mode to fruitcake mode and that to running mode.

I guess with anything, one of the best ways to live is keep to the promises for everybody and you. If I do not keep promises, people would lose faith in me. And I could not be depended up on. People would give me a chance and then one day if i push my luck they are gone. So after the run i decided to keep my promise and treat me with a world famous Safeway fruit cake for giving me that mood. My mode was positive.

On one hand if a character you don't like pisses you off how can you be on a positive mood. Better to tell them to piss off and try to shrug off. So there you go, it is difficult be on a positive mood all the the time. We are all people trying to live best as we can. It is so easy to create a negative mode, some people including me someway somehow find a negative thinking to create a negative mood. Find excuses one way or the other. Blaming, why me... transferring blame to anyone but me...... The countinues strugle ++++mode and -----mode Guess have to be responsible for what I have put in and get on with it. But then again like everything goes there is time for everything and having a positive mood as often you can would no doubt help you and me and take me a lone way.

So long live the Melbourne Marathon that gives me a positive motivation and mood to run and long live running and hope we all go a long way:-)

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