Friday, 10 September 2010

Battersea Park Run

There is a awesome Organisation called Sri Chinmoy races According to them "There is a one road a head of you and that road is ahead of you. Always a head of you..." True. not going to argue about this. So i am going to take up on that offer and doing a ten mile race that is organised by them. This is the second race for me and to be honest my first race timing was very bad and it harmed so much for my running ego. See the running ego comes with hard work you put in and sometimes i believe i am better than what i really am. So that was really good wake up call to work harder.

The Bathersea park borders the river Thames. So it looks at the river:-0 It is a well kept and runners paradise. Wide traffic light free paths with lots and lots of greenery, flowers, animals thanks to the little zoo that they have there.

Last ten mile race at the park, I think i was 24th. Hopefully tomorrow have to get better time. If it is 55 mintutes i would be happy as Larry. If it is one hour, yeah...... anything over that Not happy....... But i am going to go for it. It doesn't matter if i ended up becoming 100th as longs as it is a good time.

The best thing about regularly racing is, it gives you a good foundation for better races. Get used to the pace and running with a competitive bunch. Normally long distance races are supper fast at the beginning. Everyone just go for it until realising fuel getting low and sometimes hit the wall. Last race, before the the race can remember thinking just go and do the best. Dont try to do what the Joneses do, do your best. Dont run fast and then realise no more energy to finish the race. Just go there and see what happens. See what's in the tank for the day. Dont try to be a hero. Just run thinking this yet another training drill.

Sometimes club runners are very good at what they do. They take turns to be at the front and take the wind and set pace. Rotate the shift. If you go solo, good luck and cop the wind all by your self. Wind and running itself is a topic of its own.

The other interesting in races are the varying pace. It goes fast slow fast slow. Sometimes seems very difficult to keep up if you are not one of the initiators. It can tire you down really badly. The reason is, if you are not setting the pace you dont know when it is going to slow down or would it ever slow down. So sometimes tend to hold back and drop hoping that it would slow down. Weeeeel this when the boat leaves without you. This is a cruel but honest tactic and in a race situation they are not there to make buddies.

Anyhow wish me luck as i need a load of that, last night just three hours sleep thanks to work/research. So today half zombie mode. Hopefully all the joints would work properly tomorrow morning as the race has an early start. As they say "early bird comes back late:-)


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