Friday, 29 October 2010

running and river

Running is like a river. Sometimes you don't have much control. Some days feel good, some days feel not so good. Such as life i guess. On a good day can fly along long winding roads. On hard days, just have to take it as it comes and over come the barriers in front one way or the other. What choice we have.

It is a self battle. It is me and my limitations and try to overcome the barriers. So just like the river have to adjust to mountains, valleys, rocks, trees and come what may and go on my journeys.

Just go with the flow and be nice:-)

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Accidents - pedestrians and running

So accidents do happen. Can we avoid, yes we can as much as possible. The mini story to the topic goes like this.

It was a warmer than the usual coldness and it was perfect for running. So up Notting hill, down Church street got to the Kensington gardens. Nothing special, running away as you do on a shared foot path.

This footpath get busier in the summer with pedestrians, runners, cyclists, acrobats, dogs and cats. It is a shared footpath. Today it was quieter. But there was a big group. Looks like tourists and there was about four/ five families. Kids running all over the place and all over the road.

Parents seems to enjoy this amazing park. Once of the little ones got right in my path but went slow to avoid them. I thought they are lucky not to get hit by a cyclist. Next thing you know a big oh! sound and one of the little girls got hit by a bike.

Didnt know what to do, as it was a family thing and the bike. So put my head down and kept on going, thinking hope she is ok.

I think when you run on full speed, that is enough to knock a little person over. That is why i take very care when i run in parks to avoid them. Cant remember how many times i avoided little ones as they sometimes run right at you. There is nothing you can do. Smile and keep going.

So avoidance is the moral of the story. Take care

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Feel free

Down the road i like to look back and say that was a great fight with the limitations that i was served with. Not just to run in the evenings for exercises have a dream of going to the olympics. The reality chances scale might say 100000:1 chance but hey why not try.

Training is never easy. Allocating time to a passion is not easy. The world put lots of demands on the shoulder. Be successful in career, build meaningful relationships, be healthy, financial security and most of all be happy. I dont know whether i missed any other important things but no doubt they all are very important depending on the personal needs.

Hard work comes at a price. The price is time and energy. I like to use my running time to think and absorb all thoughts. I used to listed to music when i run. Back then if i dont run without music used to get wired ideas. Such as out of all the people i see who is going to die first or if a hippo and a polar bear mate what their cubs would be like and all that jazz. Not all the time but sometimes. Now no music.

But now after years of being out there exercising among people, now i use my running time as mediation and work. My work is centered around computer programming. So algorithms go left right and center.

Then again sometimes mind just goes in to absolute nothingness. Just think about nothing. Just flowing. Running is freedom. Feel free.

Monday, 25 October 2010

i c u

In my runs i see people. I wish i know everybody. I wish i know what goes in every ones heart. They all have a story. All want to be happy. All all like nice places and nice people i guess. But i cannot smile, i cannot say hello, i cannot stop and talk. I am not rude because i don't look at you. You all have beautiful faces. It is that i am on a mission and it is a loooooong way to go and i am just passing by.

have nice day

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Running and keeping Dri

So nice days of summer has come and gone. What to do and such as life. So no more singlets, its winter gear time. But thing with running is it doesn't matter how cold it is, body gets warmed up really fast. That is the time when i realize why all these layers for.

So me, personally like the thermals. Why. good question:-). Especially the 'Dri' ones. They take away all sweat pretty fast so you feel dry and fresh. Try wearing cotton, it is bad news. The reason is it absorbs the sweat and does not evaporate. Dont feel like going in to details about sweat. If you don't believe me listen to Gonna gonna make you sweat- every body dance now by C & C music factory from the good ol' early nineties.

Now that tune is going around my head and cant get it away. Every body dance now is a great tune. Aaaaannyways we are talking about running. The Dri compression garments have many many advantages. Especially the shorts. They hold the muscles firmly, it apparently leads to efficient blood flow. Also i believe it reduces cramps and injuries. The only thing about Compression garments in a way is it make you feel like running around without any cloths. Don't believe what i say but this is how i feel. It looks super nice on women, but with guys. hmmmm no no......... Not having a go at any sexes. But then again you see blokes wearing bright pink and run around chasing fashion police.

So i prefer over cloths on top of compression. So a "Dri" t-shit and Shorts. What ever makes you comfortable ey. What this Dri is made of is polyester and it has heaps of holes to get the sweat out of you skin. Now there is bamboo based fabric as well. I think bamboo fabric is good too. So Dri t-shirt, Dri shorts, Dri socks, Dri jackets, Dri this, Dri that... They all make the body cool down and take the sweat away and make you feel Dry. Get it.

Ok enough for now.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Getting high

If one is really in to running, there is a good chance of going complete nuts if that one stops running. Why; it is addictive. It becomes part of you.

Some run to get high. High as in "feel like flying". This my friend is getting high legally. I used to get it but sadly dont get that any more, as i guess i run too much to think about getting high from the runners high and don't like feeling funny.

Running can become yet another method of chasing a high. The good thing is feel really good after a run. Personally never liked artificial highers, but most of my friends did around me. Its all good. I hear that "Drugs are taken by nice people". May be that is what the voices in the head say. Or 'drugs are starting to work"!

Then again if you are naturally high why bother. My excuse for not joining was saying "when i was a child i was dropped head first to a stash of pot"

Apparently runners high is to do with hormones. If the body is working at its max, it relives the pain through giving back some back to itself some happy hormones to forget the pain. Like "forget bout it" I read that this is what some of the party drugs do to people. It artificially gives that feeling. But what it really gives is permanent brain damage.

When you see a lone runner smiling away for no reason, you know the truth now.

So why are we talking about getting high and all that. Why not. Sometimes such as pressures in life can makes things look harder than actually what they are. So when feeling tired or feel the need of some sort of self healing or time to think time. I reckon nothing does for me than a run. It is a pure meditation. Go in to a trance mode.

That is when you are flying. Serendipity is Life.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Half Marathon trining program- 2 1/2 months

So running time and talking about running here. So after a failing effort to do a 1:15 half marathon, decided to test again in 2 1/2 months.

1 1/2 weeks ago it was 1:28 So this may look kike a impossible mission but have to just do it.

So this is the Work in progress training program. If all goes well and no injuries or surprises. But I believe in serendipity.

So lot hard work ahead and have to be up for it. Dont think there are any short cuts in this journey.

SOSO (same ol' same ol)

1st Week
Sunday to Thursday
morning 45 minutes/ 1hour stationary bike session || evening 7 miles SOSO

2nd Week
Saturday to Thursday
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (5 days) || evening 8 miles SOSO

3nd Week
Saturday to Thursday
morning 1hour stationary bike session + (6 days) || evening 9 miles SOSO

4th Week
Saturday to Thursday
morning 1hour stationary bike session + (6 days) || evening 10 miles SOSO

5th Week
Only 3 days
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (3 days) || evening 8 miles SOSO

6th Week
Saturday to Thursday
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (6 days) || evening 10 miles SOSO

7th Week
Saturday to Thursday (one day long, next day short)
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (3 days) || evening 12 miles SOSO
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (3 days) || evening 8 miles SOSO

8th Week
Saturday to Thursday (one day long, next day short)
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (3 days) || evening 13 miles SOSO
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (3 days) || evening 8 miles SOSO

9th Week
Saturday to Thursday (one day long, next day short)
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (3 days) || evening 13 miles SOSO
morning 1hour stationary bike session + weight training (3 days) || evening 8 miles SOSO

10th Week
Saturday to Thursday (one day long, next day short)
morning 45 minutes stationary bike session + weight training (1 days) || evening 13 miles SOSO
morning 45 minutes stationary bike session + weight training (4 days) || evening 7 miles SOSO
morning 45 minutes stationary bike session || evening 2 miles SOSO

Hopefully do the half marathon at 1:15

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Accidental workouts

Hello people, so sometimes workout can be going for a run, going to see Jim/ or gym, a bike ride, power walk. It is all good and it all adds up. Now sometimes the serendipity effect kicks in to workouts as well. But you don't want any surprises as we are talking about pain here. So this unplanned workouts can come from all over the place. So this is my story of one of them.

Yesterday, like a bird, absorbing the fresh air from the Regents Park went over to happy go lucky Camden. Why, one of my dear friends had a becoming a Brit celebration so Aus to Brit. So had a nice eve, exchanging stories, talking about the good old times, so the time went by and without knowing it was 2:30 am. Back of my mind i knew had to ride back to West London on this cold rainy night. So finally it was time to go back.

Now this is the best part. Got to the freedom machine(bike). The back wheel is flat as nothing. Gone. Straight away knew i was in for a treat. Thought about repairing the puncture, but the emergency puncture repair sticker that i carry in my wallet wasn't there. I see that all the time sneaking somewhere, but to my luck it wasn't there today. Where are you when you needed the most. Same with the bike, had it for nearly five months, no trouble, worked like a charm, not even a flat tyre. But now its is all going according to not planed.

Check the tyre, an earring has pierced the tier. So decided to try the luck by riding on a flat tyre. Been on dirt roads, up mountains, snow, down the rivers, for kicks but never gone out on a mission with a flat tyre. So no lights, now have to find the way back as well from Camden to Notting Hill. With all the love and due respect in the World you have to like the colorful characters in Camden. It is full of life and you get the folks from all walks of life, the pub goers, the party people, dancing queens, the punks, the cool kids, the babes, the hunks, the weirdoes, the hippies, the vampires, the drunks, the observers, the perverts, the lovers, the haters and the normal if there are any. From where ever they may hail, all are trying to have a good time till the wee hours of the morning. The beauty in life. And me now doing the people surfing on a dysfunctional bike.

So when there it is flat tyre, it is proper hardcore riding. All the way, stand up riding. No sitting as it would break the tyre in half and way too wobbly. It makes it really difficult to balance as the back wheel goes all over the joint(posh english). One mistake or if the tyre flips, then i know i would be stopper for a car or a bus. There is a bus leaving in five minuts, please be under it situation!. Danger alarm bells ringing big time. On top of this, with all these one way streets in the Camden, go lost big time. Somehow ended up on bottom of the high gate hill. No way going up there, so had to tun back to find the proper way through green park. Anyhow, there was a sign towards Central London, so that is where I am going.

This is the part I feel bad about the whole experience, by me doing all this stupid things, I put other vehicles in danger. So I decided to ride on the pavement. So somehow got to Marylebone Road, and from there all the way to west is the best London. So jump on the road, if there are people on the road pavement, zig zagging, the pain in the legs are proper. Thanks the legs doing all the hard work you get warmed up, otherwise it would have been a proper cold experience as well.

So one turn, two,turn, sooo not interested in doing the journey, but have to get back. no worries, i know cant help but have to get back. Have to get back on the road, hope this traffic would stop on the road. It is 3 am in the morning and London is still live and kicking. Wish i could have a nice coffee. I wish i could fly on the this bike like the magic carpet. Go somewhere truly nice. Somewhere i always dreamed of. Dont know how long it is going to take. Legs are aching. Shouldn't give the knees any strain, as this week is the week off from running. This is not going to workout. What if the tyre come off. It is going to be no riding at all then. Cant walk now, its too far.

Seeing Edgware road was a welcoming sign, keep going, no turning back. Westborne park road greeted with quietness for a change. Seeing the beautiful Portobello road is always nice. Now it is downhill from here. This is the best part of this area. Going out is up the Notting Hill, Coming back, it is down the hill. So this is nice after a long run as well, you know the home stretch is down hill.

Dont know why she gave this smile, may be she pity the fool, may be taking the Micky. She looked genuine, she had nice eyes. I couldn't even smile back, it was a glance, just passed by, a smile for me was ten thousand miles away. But that was in Camden, i am here, but that face keep flashing, i hope i'll see that face again......thoughts flow like a river........ i am tired..... keep riding........ not to far to go..........

That is my night rider story. I have to write these experiences to comeback and read in some other year if yes.

So there you go. The accidental workout. Proper workout times two unplanned. This is like doing a jungle course at 3 am. But as they, it all ads up. Days like these were plentiful during the years of globe trotting. But now add it as a workout without a choice.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Commonwealth Games Marathon

This the link to the video of the Commonwealth Games Marathon on BBC iplayer. This would stay online for a week and then goes to neverland. This is a two hour mix fruit of sports, so the marathon starts at minute 33. Enjoy

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Break time!

Ok, yep do understood, that long run was difficult, took a lot out of you, not happy/happy with time time. So you were looking forward to that race day and now it is history. During those long runs it was blood sweat and tears. So now its Bud, Sweets and Beers time..... yeeeehhaaaa..........:-)

During those long training runs, couldn't wait to take a break even though you enjoy this challenge. Weeeeellll you asked for it. No one told you to run 13 miles 26 miles and to give everything you got during that memorable race.

So now the break time. Think it is best to give at least a week off after a big race as a break from running. Some pro's like Ryan Hall said during an interview, sometimes he takes off a month from serious training.

So me i say, It is best to give a break from running, weight training and even cross training as well as frigin stretching.

Why, i think the break cloud be something to look forward to when you put lots of effort in to achieving that goal. So you know you are going to treat yourself with some lazy days and that itself could be a validation for the hard work.

Other than that giving a holiday to the knees, joints, muscles and your lovely easily breakable heart is good. They can recuperate during this time. So get all those joint aches away, repair any issues that may have thanks the body's natural healing powers. So you say to you "i am going to look after you mate"

Also this time can be your planing time for the next training period. What are my next milestones. Where i want to be, How i am i going to improve my time. Do bit of research on running.

Look back and think heavily on the mistakes i made, Why did i do them, Why i should never do them again.

Also talking about Bud, Sweat and beers. To be honest not in to climbing up the trees or going to moon nor want to get high as a kite. Sweets, once in a while like to treat my self but not too much. Beers dont do it for me. So abstinence is the key word i guess.

Anyways guess its enough for my ramblings for today.

Winners of the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon

image credits Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon

Monday, 11 October 2010

running and blood donating

Why do we run. Because it is in our blood. So from the days of caveman we ran. So now we run for enjoyment, to keep fit, to get that competitive feeling, get the runners high and to run away from bad experiences. But it is not all about running and keeping fit. Sometimes have to give something too. Sure people give back to others in various ways. Yesterday thousand of people ran for various charities. So today it is blood donation day for me. Personally i have pledged to donate blood at least 4 times a year and been donating since 18 years old.

Have to understand though, when you donate blood you give about 10% of your blood. But thanks to the body's regenerating capabilities it can reproduce this in no time. Personally a blood donation does not affect me in any way. I dont feel a thing. Only thing i feel is happy. Why some feel good by giving. I strongly believe in; i get to keep what i give. I get to keep the good memories of i did something good and hope this saves someone's day. It is like saving your good assets in the blood bank.

So now that running is getting serious, had to postpone the donation by a month, just to be on the safe side as i was training heavily for the race. Yep i said feel nothing in above, but you don't want to push your luck. Check this out, if blood is needed to be exported internationally they transfer the supplies on vessels (blood vessels:-).

So if you get hungry after a donation, and you are vegetation why not try a "Donor" kebab. Make sure well hydrated before going for a donation. I've heard that vampires like folks with high blood pressure. So run away from vampires.

In this lifetime was lucky enough to donate in Australia, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Scotland and England. In Canada they said no, why because before i got there traveled in Asia and South Asia. So there you go, doesn't matter where you are from, where you are going, or where you at. Can donate in any place.

I do understand some folks are not allowed to donate blood for various reasons. I think you still can register yourself as an organ donor. This is good too. So there are various types of blood related donations, obviously blood, then the light version - plasma. The heavy version bone-marrow. So there are plenty of ways your can give.

So that is me for today. And here is the link to the UK blood services.

National Blood Service - Do Something Amazing - Give Blood

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Half Marathon

Big thank you thank you thank you to the Royal Parks Half Marathon. It was a beautiful October Sunday. It was sunny warm day. Lots and lots of awesome runners. The corse is needless to say is unbelievably beautiful. Most of all the spectators was amazingly nice and cool. Without their encouragement the race would not have been the same. I want to do it again tomorrow.

So 10.10.10 Half Marathon for me was yet another reality check. name:anthony de silva, age:35 so that is 9 or 10 in donkeys years. Weight: 64kgs. Height 5' 9 1/2. Current city: London, Half Marathon finish time: a disappointing 1 hour and 28 minutes............. mood right now= :-(

So good side is participation and finish. Bad side is the timing. Yet another blow for my big man talk. My aim was to complete the course at 1:15 and i secretly believed i could do that. But the reality is way different than ambition. So yet another try and fail.

So what went wrong. Wanted to go faster but legs weren't responsive, simple as that, but it was hard at that time. The issue that i cannot get my head around is, the course is my training ground. I do my normal training runs faster than today's finish time. So i still try to answer where did i go wrong. So half marathon is at 1:28 means a full marathon at 3:20. That is not on. By april 2012, i have to be a 2:16 marathoner. So today's setback is major major.

Plan was; at least finish this run at under 1:20 so the next race don't have to stay at the back. But now this race has to be added to part of the learning curve. So this year timing on races rays 10 miles at 1:08, 10 miles at 10:04 and half at 1:28. So lot of work ahead and to be sure to be sure there is room for improvement.

So, after 3 miles in to the race, the race tv guys on the motorbikes came from nowhere and ask about why i run for Royal Parks Foundation as i was wearing their running gear. I even forgot i running for a charity and i think said something about building a park. So i was gone after 4 miles. Knew it is not my day and the next 9 miles was a gig loooooong- "Where is the finish line...." But didnt want to give up, Why, you dont give up on things you believe in. just thought just keep going and see what happens. The crowd cheer helped, and the water service stations gave a new life line, thank you. The last mile was a huge drag. Went on for ever and finish line was like seeing happy days!

Also, my lack of being in a race situation was very visible. I nearly tripped 3 people trying to cross their paths in water stations. So my Do Unto Others was not at its best. I am glad no one yelled at me other than couple of look out buddy. Also, start at the mid section of a race doesn't help. Why have to wait till all the others in front go. The race organisers allocate numbers according to the expected finish time, somehow i ended up in the middle area. May be i buggered up the form. who knows.

So there we go ladies and gentleman. You try you best on the day and this is the outcome. So it is not a means to an end. Have to think it is yet another race and people face way more setbacks in life than timing of a race. So have to pick up the peaces and move on....... move on...... more training......train hard.........more running......more running......ruuuuun

Chicago Marathon 2010 video

Here is the video of last moments of Chicago Marathon 2010 . The best marathon finish i have ever seen.

Track and Field Videos on Flotrack

Track and Field Videos on Flotrack

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon

Countdown to the London. Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon says 9 hours and something to the start time. So on the 10:10:10 at 10:10:10am i should be running with 14,000 other awesome souls. So needless to say pretty exited as well as butterflies going all over the place with excitement. Can i finish it. Will i get injured, can i keep up with the pace, will i get a good start position, am i ready for this, can i go to sleep or will i wake up?

So after months of looking forward in a super geek way, now it is nearly here. So no looking back, just going to go there thinking it is yet anther training run, and just have to take it as hitting the dance floor with some seriously ugly moves and thinking Yep, they are awesome and go for it. Have to enjoy the moment i guess.

Me, i run behalf of the The Royal Parks Foundation , Out of all the charities listed why i chose them. Firstly i can give back for them giving me the amazing Roayl parks of London to run around free as a bird. I decided to give all my targeted amount by myself to say thank you. According to their website; "Our small team of enthusiastic fundraisers is currently focused on raising the £1.8million needed to create a fantastic, new, eco-friendly education centre for Londons young people in the heart of Hyde Park. We have already raised £1million - your support will help us reach the target!". So if you are the giving for the good type for good causes here some thing to consider and the link_is I say thank you.

The organisational aspect for the for the event must say is excellent. Saw the marquees going over the week. So saw it being building up day by day. Today seems like, they all set up and ready to rock and roll. Website is excellent. Very nicely designed. Very informative. They kept informed about the buildup as well as what is going on on a regular basis via email and facebook. So kudos for the organising committee.

Even to get the race-pack took less that five minutes on the line. So as a tip for the dodgy minded and want a beautifully designed t-shirt for free. Honestly speaking, have to wait for another year though. Firstly go the race office on the day before the race. Earlier the better and location is, the open area in the Hyde Park near the Kensington High Street. Tell anyone who politely serve you that your name is Smith or Brown as these are the most common names in UK and out of 14,000 guaranteed you going to find this name. If you are blatantly obvious that your name is not Smith, then try "Patel". Then they would ask "is your first name Tomtom" or whatever. Say yes. And then who-la get the race pack with a t-shirt with that awesome design and made with bamboo for free. This is for sake of trying to be funny but dont try that. Bad karma.

So hope everyone have a nice race and get a good time.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

3 days to half marathon, exited!

Three days before the Royal Parks Half Marathon. Website says 14,000 people going to show up. Dont care abut the position but really care about the time. If i make it under 1:15 be happy as Larry. Would be awesome, great, unbelievable, cool, glad, da da da............. Anyways so hopefully everyone who is going to the race gone on to the sloth mode or the correct term tapper. Weeeeell cannot talk for other people.

Even though it is the relax time still need to keep those legs occupied. Why, you may ask. Firstly don't want to show up with stiff pair of legs. Especially with this course, think the first few miles is downhill. So imagine 14,000 going for it. It would be like bats out hell. Guess it is very important to be ready for a fast start. Sure pre race warm up is good, but the momentum that is building has to keep going.

Last week three 10 mile runs and three 7 mile runs. Still scared to do the whole 13 after a hamstring incident. So This week 3 seven mile runs upto yesterday. Little bit cross training. Today take it eazy. Sorry to write personal mileage, injury and me me me stories. But this is my diary and i think i am writing to a friend.:-)

Anyways so tomorrow 5km run, slow pace, Saturday may be 2kms and few sprints in the evening and a small walk.

Stretching, stretching, stretching, streeeeeeeeeeeetching how many times do i have to tell.

I've read pros go on carbo loading this week. Sounds good. But how much is loading... the thing is with loading comes too much food consumption and then dont want additional surprises on the race day by being having too much food in the system. So better not to eat much on the race eve an well as on the race day. Have lot of fruits stars with the letter "A" like Apples, Apricots, Avocados, Bananas..........

So keep the energy stores high, fatigue down, stretch, keep it cool and i think i can think i can attitude may lead to have a nice enjoyable race.

have to get back to work. See when you work on IT sometimes have to work on cloud technology. So i am going back to the clouds.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Berlin Marathon 2010 videos

Here are some links to the Berlin Marathon 2010 videos

Winner Kenya's Patrick Makau and Geoffrey Mutai was greeted on the finish line by their Prime Minister. Respect

By the way Patrick Makau has a very good running style. He uses the bounce very well, Very good stride length. He is a not a power marathoner, he uses his physique very well. It is in a way uses the energy return from the previous stride and the bounce to the maximum advantage. very close to flying without taking off.

Videos are in German so better find a translator if you don't speak German. But the video says a thousand words. I think commentary goes like "Please To Me Do Not Go Back A Running Marathon". not funny.....

Friday, 1 October 2010

Sloth mode

Tapering goes hand in hand with the race day. It is more associated with the full marathon. It is about reducing the training load gradually and give the body a rest before the race day. Some folks say 3 days prior to the race stop everything. Just eat, carbo load, and drink. So in a way pretty much taking the sloths mode for the week and give it all out in the race day.

It may sound like plan, but not sure whether it is that good. training keeps the muscles occupied, heart on an optimum working level as well as keep the intensity going. Sure rest keeps all the energy stored as well as not make the body rundown. Last thing a athlete needs on a race day is to be run down and be twisted so not get out of the bed. Being on a optimum shape is very important. Being twisted is a shape too. Then being round is a shape one can argue. I guess it doesn't matter as long as you know hard work is done before the race day and it is about being ready and up for the challenge.

So better to cut the training schedule by say 25%, better not do more half marathons as it is just a week away. Anther thing is, if the race is in morning. It is better to do your training in the morning too. But it may clash with work. But try to do early morning sessions. Personally not a fan of morning runs as sometimes it takes a lot out and sometime it is difficult to run straight away like a bat out of hell when you are half a sleep and do long runs.

So work commitments and other commitments may interfere with morning runs, but at least before the race get the body use to the time race starts. If you can, study the race course, do couple of trial runs and sometimes even drink the drinks organisers/sponsors serve on the race day. Why, because dont need many surprises on the race day.

Here is a really good video from Ryan Hall a champion long distance runner