Monday, 11 October 2010

running and blood donating

Why do we run. Because it is in our blood. So from the days of caveman we ran. So now we run for enjoyment, to keep fit, to get that competitive feeling, get the runners high and to run away from bad experiences. But it is not all about running and keeping fit. Sometimes have to give something too. Sure people give back to others in various ways. Yesterday thousand of people ran for various charities. So today it is blood donation day for me. Personally i have pledged to donate blood at least 4 times a year and been donating since 18 years old.

Have to understand though, when you donate blood you give about 10% of your blood. But thanks to the body's regenerating capabilities it can reproduce this in no time. Personally a blood donation does not affect me in any way. I dont feel a thing. Only thing i feel is happy. Why some feel good by giving. I strongly believe in; i get to keep what i give. I get to keep the good memories of i did something good and hope this saves someone's day. It is like saving your good assets in the blood bank.

So now that running is getting serious, had to postpone the donation by a month, just to be on the safe side as i was training heavily for the race. Yep i said feel nothing in above, but you don't want to push your luck. Check this out, if blood is needed to be exported internationally they transfer the supplies on vessels (blood vessels:-).

So if you get hungry after a donation, and you are vegetation why not try a "Donor" kebab. Make sure well hydrated before going for a donation. I've heard that vampires like folks with high blood pressure. So run away from vampires.

In this lifetime was lucky enough to donate in Australia, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Scotland and England. In Canada they said no, why because before i got there traveled in Asia and South Asia. So there you go, doesn't matter where you are from, where you are going, or where you at. Can donate in any place.

I do understand some folks are not allowed to donate blood for various reasons. I think you still can register yourself as an organ donor. This is good too. So there are various types of blood related donations, obviously blood, then the light version - plasma. The heavy version bone-marrow. So there are plenty of ways your can give.

So that is me for today. And here is the link to the UK blood services.

National Blood Service - Do Something Amazing - Give Blood

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