Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Feel free

Down the road i like to look back and say that was a great fight with the limitations that i was served with. Not just to run in the evenings for exercises have a dream of going to the olympics. The reality chances scale might say 100000:1 chance but hey why not try.

Training is never easy. Allocating time to a passion is not easy. The world put lots of demands on the shoulder. Be successful in career, build meaningful relationships, be healthy, financial security and most of all be happy. I dont know whether i missed any other important things but no doubt they all are very important depending on the personal needs.

Hard work comes at a price. The price is time and energy. I like to use my running time to think and absorb all thoughts. I used to listed to music when i run. Back then if i dont run without music used to get wired ideas. Such as out of all the people i see who is going to die first or if a hippo and a polar bear mate what their cubs would be like and all that jazz. Not all the time but sometimes. Now no music.

But now after years of being out there exercising among people, now i use my running time as mediation and work. My work is centered around computer programming. So algorithms go left right and center.

Then again sometimes mind just goes in to absolute nothingness. Just think about nothing. Just flowing. Running is freedom. Feel free.

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